5.8 More subsetting with dplyr

Now, let’s ask another question of the snow data: Which Boston winters had snowfall of at least 72 inches (6 feet)?

Again we’ll use a condition, this time that the Boston column is greater or equal to 72. I’ll store the results in a new variable that I’ll call boston72 and then view the results:

##      Winter Boston Chicago  NYC
## 1 1947-1948   89.2    38.1 63.2
## 2 1977-1978   85.1    82.3 50.7
## 3 1992-1993   83.9    46.9 24.5
## 4 1993-1994   96.3    41.8 53.4
## 5 1995-1996  107.6    23.9 75.6
## 6 2004-2005   86.6    39.4 41.0
## 7 2010-2011   81.0    57.9 61.9
## 8 2014-2015  110.6    50.7 50.3

Including data for other cities doesn’t make sense for this question, so, let’s select just the Winter and Boston columns, and then sort the results from highest to lowest: